This is an area where most instructors fail their students. As a beginner you almost have no knowledge about lessons, clubs or even how to make a tee time and actually play golf. Well, I am here to guide you thru the process.
I highly recommend just starting by getting a putter, 56-degree wedge for short shot around the green, a mid-iron like a 7 iron and maybe a fairway wood. Drivers are the longest and toughest club in the bag to hit so for now I recommend not buying one. As a beginner there is enough to worry about besides knowing what 14 clubs are used for so let’s keep it simple and inexpensive by getting this starter set. As for a bag to put your clubs in I recommend an inexpensive “Sunday” bag which holds about 10 clubs and is very lightweight. This bag is usually used for those rounds you want to walk and not carty a full set of clubs. Plus, you can always use it for travel. If you know 100% you are going to play and need a full set of clubs and a regular golf bag, then I can guide you based on your budget and needs. Besides clubs your instructor should guide you on buying golf balls, tees, gloves, ball markers, divot tools, yardage guides, golf towels, golf shoes, dress codes of the facility and proper on course attire and anything else you need to play a round of golf.
Just like learning anything you must take lessons on a regular basis in order to improve your knowledge and skill set at all the different aspects of golf. Can you imagine trying to learn to play the piano after just a few lessons! Every sport is learned thru repetition and coaching so why not golf? The best player in the world sees their coach on a regular basis so they do not get off track. If the best players need that guidance, then maybe everyone does. I recommend starting slowly with a 3 or 6 series of lessons, so you get to know your instructor and make sure the communication between you both is acceptable and you enjoy that instructor’s style of instruction. Believe me there are many different ways to teach and play the game so make sure you enjoy the process and the person guiding you. Once you think you have the right instructor for you then you should commit to a regular program of instruction such as weekly lessons and supervised practice to ensure you learn all aspects of the game and get the correct clubs to play with.
Playing golf
Your instructor should also walk you around the golf facility and show you where the pro shop is and how to make a tee time and rent range ball to practice with. Your instructor should also take you out on the golf course and play a few holes with you to show you the difference in the types of holes and why you will be learning different shot types and why you will eventually carry a full set of clubs for those shots. You don’t know what you don’t know so always ask questions!
I recommend you start with Beginner Golf Plan 1 or 2
Select Your Plan Below
Beginner Golf Plan 1
Learn to Play Golf Beginners Lesson Package 1 on 1
Learn to play golf like a pro from a top PGA Certified expert in golf instruction. This beginner golf plan has everything you need to learn the exciting and rewarding game of golf. Whether you've tried other instruction in the past, have never swung a golf club or anything in between, Tim Krumnow can help you experience what golf is all about and have fun doing it!
5 Full Swing Lessons
5 Short Game Lessons
Sand or Bunkers
Rules and Etiquette of the Game
- Kinexit Strength and Flexibility Analysis and Training
Golf Coach App for Video and Swing Notes
Beginner Golf Plan 2
Learn to Play Golf Beginners Lesson Package With a Friend.
This package has everything you need to learn to play golf like a pro from a top PGA Certified expert in golf instruction. This plan allows for 2 participants, bring a friend or family member and have fun learning the exciting and rewarding game of golf.
5 Full Swing Lessons
5 Short Game Lessons
Sand or Bunkers
Rules and Etiquette of the Game
- Kinexit Strength and Flexibility Analysis and Training
Golf Coach App for Video and Swing Notes
Casual Golfer Program
This category of golfer makes of the vast majority of golfers. They play a few times a year in company scrambles or buddy outings but only have the desire to not embarrass themselves when they play.
Most likely their playing partners are in this same category. For you I recommend taking lessons with a friend or spouse so you can both remind each other of what you were told during the lessons and it always helps to practice with someone you enjoy being around. I have a great program for this type of golfer called KISS….keep it simple stupid….yes, I am stupid not you….it’s the instructors’ responsibility to guide you in the simplest manner and give you the tools to help you have fun at this game so there are methods to help this golfer have fun and play decently at the same time. You DO NOT have to be great at this game to have fun!
This golfer needs just a few lessons to cover the basics of the swing and to ensure you strike the ball first and advance the ball forward with some power. This usually takes about 5 lessons. Then you need another 5 lessons to cover driving, pitching, chipping, sand shots and putting. Each lesson comes with written notes to keep in your bag as a reminder of what you should be doing when you play or practice before you go play an event or outing. After the initial 10 lessons you might continue lessons maybe on a monthly basis or as needed basis.
I recommend you start with 6 or 10 Lesson Package
Select Your Plan Below
Swing Improvement
6) One Hour lessons (Value $1,240)
This is the best way to improve the mechanics of your golf swing quickly. The program starts with a club fitting, followed by six individual one hour lessons covering: setup, the start of the backswing, at the top, the transition, impact, follow through and finish. A supervised practice session follows each lesson. Then use the distance caddy and go for a 9-hole playing lesson.
(6) One Hour Lessons
Supervised practices
Iron fitting
Distance caddy
9 hole playing lesson
Golf Coach App
Kinexit Training
Game Improvement
(10) One Hour Lessons ($2,340 Value)
This package includes the Swing Improvement program, short game analysis and putter fitting. If you are totally committed to improving this is for you. If you are committed, and I will commit to you by giving you an upgraded package that includes an 18-hole playing lesson and 10 individual one hour lessons.
(10) One Hour Lessons
Supervised practices
Iron fitting
Putter fitting
Short game analysis
Distance caddy
18 hole playing lesson
Golf Coach App
Kinexit Training
Regular Golfer Program
This player plays a regular weekly or monthly game with his buddies. If this is you and you are tired of losing a little money to your buddies then let’s sit down and discuss a plan of action that identifies your weaknesses and map out the best path to improve those areas of your game. Sometimes it only takes a few lessons to get where you want to be and sometimes it takes weekly instruction to get there. One we analyze your game then together we can make a proper plan for you and decide how much time you have to play and practice to achieve your goal.
Usually, this player needs a few lessons to achieve their goals and then regular follow up lessons to maintain your level of ability. The old saying “you get out of the game what you put into it.”
I recommend you start with 3 or 6 Month Package
Select Your Plan Below
Club Champion or College Player Program
This player is competitive and plays in everything both locally and in the area. They want to be known as a good player and are committed to regular practice and playing. This player need fitted clubs and regular lessons just like the top amateurs and professionals.
This player needs a Coach/Instructor. This player needs to understand how mental this game is and learn how to make a game plan for tournaments. Advanced players have many tools the regular player does not have nor really cares about. This player needs a pre-shot routine, club yardage chart, knowledge to work the ball both left to right and right to left as needed. This player also needs to know how to hit high and low shots as well as how to handle difficult lies and situations. This player needs a lot of on course instruction as well as detailed advice on clubs, extra club to have for variable conditions, how clubs work in different turf conditions, how weather affects ball flight and how different grass types affect how you play. This is where I can be very effective with my past Tour experience and can show this player what it takes to be successful and how to win. A regular weekly series of lessons and playing schedule is recommended to guide you on how to be a champion.
I recommend you start with 12 Month Package
Select Your Plan Below
Tour Player Program
This player is out to make money playing golf either on a local level or National level. This player needs everything the Club Champion/College player needs except they need the extra secret sauce.
I only take a few players in this category. This is a select group that get select instruction and advanced methods and equipment that cost more than most are willing to pay but the payoff is exponentially better. If this is you then we will have a lengthy discussion to really find out if this is for you and you are committed. I do not waste my students time or money and I expect this in return from you. This takes a commitment from both of us to be successful.
*Retainer Required* Please Contact Tim for more information.